Calculation and Design
To calculate the concrete service life of a rolling bearing, FLT uses the traditional method according to ISO 281 and also successfully software packages of the market leader ROMAX. Doing this, we can predict the performance of one or more bearings through Romax Nexus R20 and Romax CAD-Fusion.
ROMAX software considers all relevant elemts of a gear system, such as shafts, housing, couplings and brakes. These elements are linked with material coefficients and perform therefore in the simulation very similar to reality. Load cycles and system variants can also be checked systematically. As a result, the following data are received within seconds:
- Load distribution along every defined rolling element
- Effect of internal clearance and mounting fits on the bearing service life
- Distribution of surface pressure at all contact places
- Influence of the rolling element shape and micro-geometry on bearing service life
- Ideal choice of lubricant for the given conditions